This weekend our CEO took out to donating Fans to the elderly in the Austin, Texas area! There is so much more to come with IRENE but, one thing remains true. Seniors are OUR business!
"Do Not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plum line in Zerubbabel's hand." ~Zechariah 4:10
We are want to help our seniors in any way we can! If it takes providing them with a fan, then that's exactly what we will do.
Fan Drive Initiative - Austin, TX
Over the past week, IRENE, supported Family Eldercare, in raising over $1600 to purchase and deliver fans to the elderly in the North & Central Austin, Texas area. IRENE operates in 4 states and when warned of a heat advisory approaching, the CEO, LaTonya Hughes, took part in launching this fan initiative for the area(#ireneoutreach).
We couldn't have done this without the help of all of those who donated time and money to ensure that our seniors are equipped with the necessary tools. This is just one way we continue to take care of our seniors.
Updated: Aug 8, 2020
We asked those connected to I.R.E.N.E. to share something memorable about the elders who made an impact in their lives. Enjoy the read!
As kid growing up, I can remember being embraced by my family and my community. But, there is absolutely nothing I remember more than the feeling of love, acceptance, and value I felt when I went to visit my great-grand parents in Evanston, IL. The love my Granny gave me, was and still to this day, is the greatest love I have ever known.
There were hardly any children to play with so, I relied heavily on the activites my Granny would plan.
The love my Granny gave me was, and still to this day, is the Greatest Love I have ever known.
We would visit family and friends, cook, maintain her housekeeping schedule, and when she watched sports (and oh my God, she loved sports), I would draw until my heart was content. My great grands would keep me busy with learning how to do everything around the house and my spoiled me and let me drink coffee everyday!
When I look back, what I value most, is how she took the time to teach me everything from how to cook, how to make fresh squeezed lemonade, family history, and most importantly, how to love. Even when I was mischevious...and there were times, she never fussed at me. She never raised her voice. She always spoke to me in her softest sweetest voice, good or bad, and she taught me and she loved me. She was like an angel to me.
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