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Therapuetic Services

I.R.E.N.E.’s professional counselors will be available to meet with clients individually or with other family members on issues of aging and long-term planning. Our specialists will be able to help seniors express and explore their thoughts and feelings to help you manage the aging process. Professionals will work with seniors and caregivers dealing with life transitional changes.


Seniors in need of spiritual care, care management and extended counseling to cope with the changes they face will be supported through counseling services. The counseling program provides comprehensive assessment for client specific transitional needs, along with resources, information, and referrals to assist them and their family. Case Management and short-term counseling services are also available.


Consultation will be extended to seniors in the comfort of their homes, residential facilities, or in our office when a location is identified.  


There is a subsidized cost for those who are eligible, and we will seek grants/donations to support potential clients to avoid turning them away.

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